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Yves Bougardier

After 25 years of experience in digital production printing at IBM, Infoprint Solutions, Dataone and IMPIKA (XEROX group), Yves created the company ybam in order to make his experience available.

In order to participate in the development of standards used in the industry, Yves co-chairs the Variable Printing Data committee of the Ghent Workgroup, he is the ybam representative to the AFP consortium and the Ghent Workgroup.

Color Expert: Yves Bougardier

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Alle Produkte
MYIRO-1 - Handheld Spectrophotometer
MYIRO-9 - Autoscan Spectrophotometer
MYIROtools - Color Management Software
Inspection & Calibration service
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Arteparc de Bachasson - Bât D
Route de la carrière de Bachasson